Aey Company Profile
This profile of AEY INC is based on a single public record. It may contain errors, and certainly contains omissions. You can help fill in the gaps.
Website: EDIT
Annual revenue: $2,000,000 EDIT
Annual profit: EDIT
No. of employees: 2 EDIT
Parent company: AEY INC EDIT
Related company names: AEY INC, AEY INC EDIT
Top military customer: EDIT
Aggregate value of contracts from top customer in years _:
Number of contracts represented in that total:
Top owner (individual)**: SOURCE EDIT EDIT MUGSHOT
Top owner (institutional): EDIT
Other owners: EDIT
Chief executive: EDIT EDIT MUGSHOT
Chief executive annual compensation**: EDIT
Other executives: EDIT
Board chair**: EDIT EDIT MUGSHOT
Other board members: EDIT
Top lobbyist**: EDIT EDIT MUGSHOT
Other lobbyists: EDIT
Annual lobbying expenses (average or most recent year): EDIT
Top political donee: EDIT EDIT MUGSHOT
Lifetime total given to top donee**:
Other political donees: EDIT
Annual political campaign giving (average or most recent year): EDIT
Associated people: EDIT
Summary: EDIT
Original record type: US Army, 2007
Last updated on Feb. 25, 2011 with contributions from WIB.