Bullet Points For Labor Day Weekend

No American taxpayer funds will be used to support Kabul Bank,” said Jenni LeCompte, a Treasury Department spokeswoman.

• • • Not counting the $110 billion the US will spend this year to keep the brother of the bank’s top investor in power, that is.

[A]llowing some graft among Afghan power brokers…could promote near-term improvements…”

• • • Everything in moderation.

What are Chinese troops doing in Kashmir?

• • • Workin’ on the railroad.

“What Blackwater did with front companies is so much worse than the NYT is reporting tonight.”

• • • Jeremy Scahill, Twitter tease.

“Russian journalists who covered arms trading have stopped writing about the subject. It is too dangerous.”

• • • Read how world’s most notorious arms trader is trying to bluff his way out of extradition) to the US.